FREE Caring for Babies and Children's wellbeing - Paediatric First Aid - 2 Day course (Ref: 1226)


Date: 11/12/2023

Time: 09:30 - 16:30

Certificate/Workbook: £20.00

Alton Malting - Carmichael Room
GU34 1DT

TWO DAY COURSE on 11th and 12th December

This course is suitable for anyone that is in a childcare setting. It will enabling individuals to build confidence when looking after and supporting children with the additional benefit of obtain a Paediatric First Aid qualification (valid 3 years).

The new skills and confidence obtained will help learner to retain, progress or returning to work in a school or childcare setting. It would be especially beneficial to parents that due isolation during covid, had a lack of family and peer support and now lack confidence and understanding of how to deal with their child’s health and wellbeing.

This course has been specifically designed to meet the paediatric first aid requirements in the statutory framework for the early year's foundation stage. This qualification provides Learners with the opportunity to develop the skills and knowledge needed to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations, illnesses, injuries and emergencies which can arise when looking after children.

• Understand their role as a paediatric first-aider and how to look after their equipment
• Be able to effectively manage an emergency situation until help arrives
• Know how to look after an unconscious casualty
• Be able to perform effective CPR
• Be able to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) effectively and safely
• Keep meaningful records of workplace illness and injury under the rules of the General Data Protection Regulations

And to treat these conditions effectively:
choking, bites and stings; anaphylaxis; poisoning; minor and eye injuries; foreign objectives; heat and cold injury; burns; electric shock; asthma; diabetes; meningitis, septicaemia and sepsis; bone, muscle and joint injuries; head and spinal injuries.

After attending this course you may be interested in attend a funded Emergency First Aid or Mental Health First Aid:

This course is being offered free with the funding we receive from Hampshire Learns to adults (19+) whose home address is in Hampshire and who can meet one of the following criteria:

• Do not have a Full Level 2 qualification
• Have a learning difficulty or disability
• Receive Income Support / Universal Credit
• Earn less than £20,319 annual gross salary
• Have school-aged children who qualify for Free School Meals
• Currently unemployed and seeking work
• At risk of / have mental health needs
• At risk of redundancy
• Has refugee status

POLITE NOTICE: Please be aware that if you fail to attend, we will charge £50 as we are unable to subsidise your place once booked. Cancellations fees are only waived if a place is cancelled 2 weeks before the course runs, for whatever the reason of your cancellation

Attendance to the course is free, but there is a small charge of £20 to cover the cost of your certificate and workbook. An invoice will be sent to you after booking your place.

Community First also over bespoke training on a wide range of our courses to meet individual group’s needs – enquire at


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