Profit with purpose - fundraising advice including trading (Ref: 1319) - Community First Essentials (Online)


Date: 16/05/2024

Time: 13:30 - 16:00

Price: £65.00

Members: £0.00

Seeking funding for Charitable organisations in today’s financial climate can be difficult.

Using group discussion and exercises, this course will look at the Charities Act 2011 and the Charitable purposes that determine the activities your Charity undertakes. It is important that you aware of your Charitable purposes and that your Charity does not drift into activities that are not contained within the purposes.

We will also include recruitment of Trustees and the importance of having on board a group of Trustees who can bring skills and advice to your Charity, enhancing and challenging the needs of the organisation in a positive manner.

At the forefront of everything is raising funds to continue your vision. Different ways to attract funding will be discussed including trading as a Charity or a subsidiary trading company

This course covers:
Exploring the Charities Act 2011, which defines a Charitable purpose and how to write Charitable purposes.


Community First Essentials is a suite of online workshops tailored specifically for our VCSE Members. Evidenced by the needs of the sector; they support good practice and offering training in the skills and tools required to manage a thriving and sustainable community organisation.

These courses are FREE to all Community First Members. For more information on Membership:
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