18 August 2023

Winchester Wellbeing Fayre 2023 

It was great to be out in the sunshine with around 25 local charities on June 10th where voluntary organisations and community groups on the grounds of Winchester Cathedral to celebrate ‘all things wellbeing.’  

The event was organised by local social prescribers, Sian Griffiths (Winchester Primary Care Network) and Collette Ford (St. John’s Winchester) with support from Bruce White of Community First. 

The aim of the event was to promote all the services and support that exist in the Winchester District for its residents. The hope was that those who are in need of support could be united with those who provide it. 

The Fayre was opened by the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Russell Gordon- Smith, who commented how important it was to have such an interesting and well-organised event in the heart of Winchester. 

Thanks were expressed to the Cathedral for allowing them to hold the event on the Cathedral Grounds. It was hoped that the event might be held again next year with a larger collection of organisers offering their support.

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