
Our Community Development Team provides specialist information and support to local community groups, social enterprises and charities. Our expertise allows us to provide critical support to our Members when they need it most. Helpfully we’ve created a Library of useful toolkits and links that provide easy to navigate information and guidance across a broad range of issues facing organisations like yours.

Can’t find what you need? Our Community Development Team provides tailored support to groups on a case-by-case basis.

If you need to speak with a member of our team, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing or call 0300 500 8085.

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Starting Up

Starting up a new community group or social enterprise.

Title Description
Co-operatives UK Information about setting up a co-operatives Visit website
Constitution template for a small unregistered group A template small group constitution/set of rules that groups may use. Download
GOV.UK - Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies Guidance from the Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies Visit website
GOV.UK - Set Up a Charity - Step by Step Government Advice on the key steps to set up a new charity Visit website
GOV.UK - Setting Up a Charity - Model Governing Documents Government Website of Model Governing documents Visit website
GOV.UK - Setting up a Social Enterprise Guidance on starting up a Social Enterprise from Visit website
Opening a bank account Tips on opening a Charity bank account Download
Resource Centre - Starting a Group Resource Centre guidance on setting up a new group Visit website
School for Social Entrepreneurs - How to Start Up a Social Enterprise in 10 steps Guidance on starting up a Social Enterprise from SSE Visit website
Small Charities Coalition (SCC) - Charity Setup Guide Small Charities Coalition Charity Set Up Guide will steer you through the logistics of setting up a charity in simple steps. Visit website
Social Enterprise UK Information for Social Enterprises Visit website
Starting a New Group All you need to know about starting up a new voluntary group, including explaining the various legal structures Download

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