
Our Community Development Team provides specialist information and support to local community groups, social enterprises and charities. Our expertise allows us to provide critical support to our Members when they need it most. Helpfully we’ve created a Library of useful toolkits and links that provide easy to navigate information and guidance across a broad range of issues facing organisations like yours.

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Finance & Funding

Managing your organisations finances, identify funders, completing grant applications and fundraising strategies.

Title Description
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF Online) - How to Write a Great Grant Application Guidance on writing grant applications from the Charities Aid Foundation Visit website
Charity Commission - Charity Reporting and Accounting: The Essentials - November 2016 (CC15d) Information on Charity Reporting & Accounting Visit website
Charity Connect - Core Cost Funding Core costs fundraising sources Visit website
Charity Finance Group (CFG) - Essential Charity Finance for Trustees CFG Essential Charity Finance for Trustees guide: Visit website
Chartered Institute of Fundraising - Small Charities Fundraising resources for small charities Visit website
Community First Fundraising Support A team of professional Voluntary Sector Consultants are on hand at Community First to support all your fundraising needs Visit website
Crisis Decision Tool A new online tool that guides charities and social enterprises through next steps on insolvency, merger, collaboration, cost cutting, raising finance Visit website
Crowdfunding Mastery - Academy The Crowdfunding Mastery Academy is run by the Social Change Agency and offers practical advice, information and training on Crowdfunding Visit website
Directory of Social Change (DSC) - Funds Online Funding search - subscription service Funding search - subscription service Visit website
Fundraising Regulator Resource Library Fundraising Regulators comprehensive resource library Visit website
GOV.UK Charity Reporting and Accounting - The Essentials Government website offers a wealth of information about Charity reporting and accounting. Visit website
Grantway, FREE funding Search Free funding search by category and keywords Visit website
Groundwork - Tips/Checklist for Grant Applications Tips on writing grant applications from Groundwork Visit website
HIWCF: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation Hampshire and Isle of Wight Community Foundation funding opportunities Visit website
Spacehive - The Ultimate Guide to Crowdfunding Spacehive provides a single portal where people with project ideas can build support from their community, ensure their plans are viable, pitch for funding from the crowd and our partners at the same time, and share the impact they’ve created. How too guides, event and webinars are all available. Visit website
The Fundraising Regulator - Code of Fundraising Practice Fundraising Regulator - Code of Practice Visit website
The Fundraising Regulator - GDPR & Charitable Fundraising Guidance on GDPR and fundraising Visit website
The National Lottery Community Fund Information on the various grants available from the National Lottery Visit website
TOP TIPS for successful grant fundraising Tips for writing successful funding applications Download
Trustees and Fundraising - A Practical Handbook Trustees and Fundraising - A Practical Handbook from the Institute of Fundraising & Partners Visit website

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