10 steps to becoming a greener charity |
Third Force Network - 10 steps to becoming a greener charity. Guidance on environmental sustainability |
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Centre for Sustainable Energy - Improving Energy Efficiency in Community Buildings |
Resources we've found most useful to support communities taking action on energy. You can browse and download for free. Please email communities@cse.org.uk if you think we've missed anything out. |
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Charity Facilities Management |
News and information for people managing non-profit workplaces and property. |
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Community Buildings Expertise - Action Hampshire |
Community Building Advice Service including information and guidance for people who run community buildings, |
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Cracking Community Cafés - Promoting Your Café |
Ethical Eats and Making Local Food Work have produced a factsheet to help new and existing community cafés get to grips with the basics of running a successful enterprise. |
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Environmental sustainability guidance |
Guidance on enviromental sustainability from Lottery Heritage Fund |
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Ethical Property Foundation - Property Help - Expert Property Advice For Charities |
Ethical Property Foundation – property advice charity for the voluntary sector |
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GOV.UK - Charity Commission - RS17 - Going Green: Charities and Environmental Responsibility |
Guidance from the Charity Commission |
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How to Develop a Sustainability Strategy - A Guide for Charities |
Guidance on enviromental sustainability |
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RICS - Charity Property Help |
Charity Property Help provides free advice to charities and voluntary organisations on all property-related issues. |
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