FREE Life Saving Skills for Wellbeing - Emergency First Aid at Work (Ref 1268)


Date: 08/01/2024

Time: 09:00 - 17:00

Price: Free

Alton Malting - Spurgeon Room
GU34 1DT

This course is intended for individuals/families/workplaces/Charities/Community Buildings, where the appointed person will be able to take charge in the event of an illness or accident.

At the end of the course attendees will have demonstrated competence in basic life support skills and increased their awareness in managing a first aid incident in the workplace

The course covers the following Emergency First aid situation:
• Managing an unresponsive casualty
• Choking
• Shock
• Wounds and bleeding
• Minor injuries

The content of this course is in line with Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance and delivered in accordance
with currently accepted first aid practice as published by the Resuscitation Council (UK) and the current edition of
the first aid manual of the Voluntary Aid Societies (St John Ambulance, British Red Cross and St Andrew’s).
As required under The Health & Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981, the HSE strongly recommends annual
refresher training.

A certificate will be issued which will be valid for 3 years.

No prior knowledge is necessary however this is a regulated course and so, as such, there are minimum standards that must be met. One relates to the minimum training time whilst others relate to the course content and completion of assessments. The awarding of a certificate to successful attendees is dependent on showing competency and not merely attendance. Therefore, attendees must be capable of completing all of the practical assessments, including the completion of resuscitation for a minimum of two minutes. This, and other practical elements require the attendee to be able, for instance, to kneel on the floor whilst completing resuscitation or placing a casualty in the recovery position.
If you have any concerns about these requirements, please let us know before the course.

After attending this course you may be interested in attend a funded Paediatric or Mental Health First Aid:

This course is being offered free with the funding we receive from Hampshire Learns to adults (19+) whose home address is in Hampshire and who can meet one of the following criteria:

• Do not have a Full Level 2 qualification
• Have a learning difficulty or disability
• Receive Income Support / Universal Credit
• Earn less than £20,319 annual gross salary
• Have school-aged children who qualify for Free School Meals
• Currently unemployed and seeking work
• At risk of / have mental health needs
• At risk of redundancy
• Has refugee status

POLITE NOTICE: Non-attendance will mean we will charge £50 as we are unable to subsidise your place once booked. Cancellations fees are only waived if a place is cancelled 2 weeks before the course runs, for whatever the reason of your cancellation.

Community First also over bespoke training on a wide range of our courses to meet individual group’s needs – enquire at


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