How to Write a Business Plan in 5 Easy Steps (Ref 1321)- Community First Essentials (Online)


Date: 09/07/2024

Time: 14:00 - 16:30

Price: £65.00

Members: £0.00

How often have you been told to "just write a business plan" and not really known what that involved?
By the end of this training, you will have a handy 5-stage process that will help you create a business plan which is relevant, succinct and effective.

It will help you to have a clear focus, that will position you to attract new funders, volunteers and supporters. Helping you to create a business template with goals and objectives, financial awareness and estimated outcomes.

Community First Essentials is a suite of online workshops tailored specifically for our VCSE Members. Evidenced by the needs of the sector; they support good practice and offering training in the skills and tools required to manage a thriving and sustainable community organisation.

These courses are FREE to all Community First Members.
For more information on Membership:
Already a Member?, book your place and view our full training programme at (search Essentials for the full list of Community First Essential courses)


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