21 April 2021

Training: Building your future beyond COVID

Community First are proud to offer a series of workshops considering your community groups future beyond Covid and ensuring a successful and thriving future.

Please find the outline of workshops coming up that are being offered specifically for voluntary groups, charities and community groups to support your transition back to working again.

We will be looking at:
1. Strategic Thinking
2. Digital Connections
3. Business Planning

These sessions will be held online using Zoom.
Places are limited, and groups who book for all three may be given priority booking depending on numbers.

There is a discount to attend all three sessions which is at a great value of just £45.  Individual workshops are £20 each.

We do recommend that you attend all three sessions if you can. There are themes that run through all sessions and we will continue to build on the work from previous sessions.

Book all three sessions

Find out more about each workshop below.

Bouncing Back – Post-COVID Strategic Planning

Thursday 29th April | 10:00 – 12:00

In this session, we are going to consider the impact that Covid has had on your organisation. We’ll think about what has happened, and where we are going. This workshop will support you to think about the future, not 3 months from now but beyond into the years to come and help you build on your organisation’s strategic thinking and planning.
As a group, we will:

  1. Identify 3 questions to aid strategic focus for organisations post-pandemic
  2. Identify 3 skill-sets to improve strategic performance
  3. Start the thought processes required for effective, practical recovery planning

As an individual you will:

  1. Identify at least one new target area for strategic review
  2. Identify at least one new skill to take back to organisation to aid strategic review
  3. Take-away learning as homework to comprise “4 execution-readiness tests” and vision refresh exercise.

Book for this session


Streamline Connections with IT

Thursday 6th May | 10:00 – 12:00

More so than ever before have we realised the value in digital connections for our groups to survive. This workshop will help develop your skills further to keep the community going, reach wider audiences and keep telling your story.
Group objectives

  1. Identify new strategies for staying in touch with service users
  2. Consider ways of finding new service users and volunteers using social media and other platforms.
  3. Demonstrate how to collect and distribute community group success stories

Book for this session


Business Planning for Community Groups Post-COVID

Thursday 13th May | 10:00 – 12:00

This is a 2 hour, facilitated workshop. The primary aim is to give participants time and space to agree on actions that will help them to execute their one-year plan. The why and what to achieve will primarily have been established in the strategic session. This one focuses on the how and when and what eventualities should you be prepared for.

To provide attendees with an opportunity to exercise business planning skills and techniques to improve their organisation’s recovery post pandemic.

Group learning objectives

  1. Quantify the 3 – 7 critical activities to be included in a 1 Year Business Plan
  2. List the 3 -7 activities to be completed in the next 90 days to ensure that the year one plan is deliverable.
  3. Clarify issues that could derail the delivery of the one-year plan.

Individual learning goals or learner activity.

  1. Identify at least one implementable activity that can contribute to the achievement of the one-year plan
  2. Agree a minimum of one new action or activity that can be personally undertaken in the next 90 days that can contribute to the overall success of your organisation.
  3. Identify at least one potential solution to an issue that could derail the delivery of your 1 Year Plan.
  4. Clarify issues that could derail the delivery of the one-year plan.

Book for this session


Book all three sessions

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