29 June 2021

All the fun of the Virtual Volunteering Fair!

Community First is organising Hampshire’s first Virtual Volunteering Fair that will take place on Wednesday 14th July via Zoom.

The Fair has been organised to raise awareness of volunteering opportunities with local organisations.  With the end of restrictions in sight, many organisations are planning the way forward and are looking to recruit new volunteers to deliver their services to the community.

CPRE Hampshire, the countryside charity, and South Central Ambulance Service are just two of the 40 organisations taking part in the Fair alongside smaller, local volunteer-led charities serving their local communities such as Winchester Churches Nightshelter, Emsworth Good Neighbours, Pedall New Forest and Petersfield Society.

Each organisation will host a short session where they will showcase the work they do in the community, outline the role volunteers play and highlight the opportunities available. After each presentation there will be some time for questions.

Volunteering opportunities on offer include conservation workers to community responders and befrienders to bakers.  There is something for everyone!  Local people interested in volunteering can find out more on the Volunteer First website or register on Eventbrite.

Chief Executive of Community First, Tim Houghton said: “The past year has demonstrated the vital role volunteers play in our local community.  The organisations taking part in the Volunteering Fair all deliver valuable services and I hope that Hampshire residents who might be able to contribute their time and skills to supporting them will attend the Fair to learn more.”

For further information, visit https://www.volunteerfirst.co.uk/news/all-the-fun-of-the-volunteering-fair/ or contact the Volunteer Service at Community First on 0300 500 8085.

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