3 February 2021
Duke of Edinburgh students share skills with Timebank project
Whitehill & Bordon based community project Woolmer Forest Timebank is benefitting from the expertise of two teenage students taking part in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
Freya Mellows and Jacob Taylor, who both attend The Petersfield School, have joined the small Timebank staff team with Freya offering event admin support and Jacob social media skills.
“I am enjoying working with Woolmer Forest Timebank for the volunteering section of my DofE because it helps people in the local community come together and particularly supports those who are vulnerable,” said Freya. “The way I’m helping at the Timebank is really different from the usual DofE volunteering projects such as litter picking and I’m enjoying learning new skills and meeting the Timebank members.”
“I’ve enjoyed doing something new, ”said Jacob. “It has been interesting to see how the Timebank works for the community and has given me an insight into work experience that will contribute nicely to my DofE work.”
There are four main sections of the Duke of Edinburgh programme; Volunteering, Physical, Skills, and Expedition. “We are delighted that the Timebank has been able to offer Freya and Jacob this opportunity to complete their Volunteering Section with us,” said Claire Coxwell, Manager of the Woolmer Forest Timebank project. “It’s a win-win situation as we are gaining valuable help as well. The students have introduced us to new skills such as video & poster production for social media and shortcuts to speed up our admin processes.”
Woolmer Forest Timebank is a lottery funded project serving the community of Whitehill & Bordon in East Hampshire and its surrounding villages. It is a friendly network of individuals and local organisations who support each other and exchange skills in return for time credits which can be spent on themselves or donated to others who need extra help. One hour of gardening help for example could earn one hour’s time credit . This could be used to get help with IT, learn a new craft or just receive an hour’s companionship from another Timebank member. Everyone’s time is valued equally.
The project is supported by 6 other local partner organisations Abri, Furniture Helpline, Kingsley Organisation, Nextdoor Whitehill & Bordon, Timebanking UK, Whitehill & Bordon Community Association and Whitehill & Bordon Community Trust.