3 March 2023
Hants & IoW Social Prescribing Network Webinar – 1 March 2023
View the full presentation here
Related videos that weren’t available to play during the presentation:
- Prescription Art – Test Valley
- Testimonial from a Gosport Voluntary Action Befriending Client
- Home and Well – A Client Journey
On Wednesday, 1 March 2023 some 60 people attended the latest Hants & Isle of Wight Social Prescribing Network’s (HSPN) Webinar, titled ‘Social Prescribing – a Celebration and Call to Action’.
After new and existing HSPN members & guests were welcomed, Julie Caldwell (Area Manager South, Hampshire Library Service) started by giving an overview of the Home Library Service – which enables adults and those with learning disabilities, who struggle to get out and have no family, to receive books or other media items. It can also offer a ‘reading friends’ telephone befriending service. It is a volunteer delivered service – where volunteers are matched to the people they support through this scheme. The service is currently looking for more volunteers countywide. (A 3-minute Home Library Service video was then played.)
Angela Gill briefly highlighted National Social Prescribing Day which is on Thursday 9 March. There are celebratory activities taking place nationally that week – including the National Social Prescribing supporting resources and an event on at the Southbank that can be joined virtually that day.
Kate Drake (Health & Wellbeing Manager, South Downs National Park) and Mandie Molyneux (Director/Project Manager, Artscape) described the (evaluated) Timescape Project that took place between 2020-21. It was designed for those experiencing post-Covid anxiety. Groups of c25 people were enabled to connect to their landscape and cultural heritage. They learnt about traditional artisan techniques – and they used this knowledge to ‘create and make’. Similar projects are currently being delivered. (A 4-minute Timescape video was then played.)
Next, Ali Gill (Executive Director, Fluid Motion) explained that Fluid Motion are an arts organisation dedicated to improving and supporting young people and adults with their Mental Health – through creative activity. The Gathering Project focusses upon 7 deprived communities countywide. It was originally developed as a response to Covid-19 related anxiety; it has moved into Cost of Living Crisis support. The 8-week courses offer practical support to enable participants to manage their mental health via discussions, drama, role-play, team games, positive ideas and coping strategies. It improves resilience, confidence, isolation, and loneliness. (A 5-minute ‘the Gathering’ video was then played.)
The inspiring HSPN Webinar finished with ‘Breakout Rooms’ where two discussions took place in smaller groups. The first discussions, highlighted some good Social Prescribing/Wellbeing examples or partnerships to celebrate; the second, identified members’ top priorities/needs & their key ‘Calls to Action’. A summary of these were then added to Chat for review and sharing with members later.
The next Hants & IoW Social Prescribing Network Webinar will be on Wednesday 14 June 2023, from 1.00pm to 2.00pm. If you or your organisation are not currently an HSPN member and would like to attend and/or be kept up-to-date, please contact Jane Bray:- healthforums@cfirst.org.uk.
Find out more about the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Social Prescribing Network