31 January 2024

Hants & IoW Social Prescribing Network Webinar Winter & Social Connectedness -Thursday 25 January 2024

You can view the presentation here


On Thursday 25 January 2024 c80 people attended the Hants & IoW Social Prescribing Network’s (HSPN) Webinar ‘Winter & Social Connectedness 

After new and existing HSPN members & guests were welcomed, Tim Houghton, Community First’s Chief Executive, started by setting the scene about the increasing pressures facing the  community & voluntary sector around funding and volunteers. Tim provided an update about key strategic plans (Adults’ Health & Care, Hampshire & IoW Integrated Care Strategy, Hampshire Children’s & Young People’s Plan) and the serious resource & time constraints. Tim highlighted the HCC consultation re future cuts eg removing all the VCSE grant, all the Community Transport Service budget, Homelessness services, theraputic services… There’s a real need for more collaborative work to find solutions, whilst demonstrating more, Tim discussed 3 VCSE’s social value tools and the importance of collaboratiely demonstrating the impact of funding reductions on people’s health & wellbeing. Hampshire & IoW VCSE Health and Care Alliance (HIVCA) progress was discussed, also the Healthier Together website, Household Support Grant website and Live Longer Better (District Councils – c£15k) website.   

Eleanor Spink, Home & Well Adviser, Citizens Advice Southampton began by describing Home & Well and her role as one of Southampton’s Home & Well Adviser. 6000 people have been helped – support is wraparound but is often around fuel poverty, making sure they are on the right benefits, debt help, Priority Services Registration, energy tariff & advice. There is an Home & Well online referral form – anyone classed as ‘vulnerable’ can be referred. Demand is growing at University Hospital Southampton. Eleanor concluded by sharing a couple of Case Studies supporting patients upon discharge to avoid re-admission. 

Jessica Berry, Personalised Care Programme Lead, Hampshire & IoW Integrated Care Board (ICB)  introduced the Integrated Care Partnership (ICP) – one of the aims is to reduce social isolation for all ages. Jess shared some key stats re the impact of social connectedness re early deaths, heart disease and strokes, mental health… It is important to look at Assets – buildings, people, skills, Fire & Rescue – Safe & Well visits. Workforce – eg Social Prescribers, Social Workers, Hairdressers… Support local communities to be stronger/more sustainable eg volunteers. ICB Framework – was co-produced, lots of links, evaluation measures. Jess concluded by sharing four Best Practice often self-sufficient, examples in Hampshire. 

Finally, Sara Nicholls Community Support Manager and Di Castle, Community Development & Support Manager about their social care charity. They have 7 care homes and extra care services. They cover wider Hampshire but not IoW. Sara described Brendocare’s Community Membership Scheme. Di explained how community clubs helps to improve members’ overall wellbeing eg curling, seated exercise, Zumba Gold, singing, friendship clubs, gardening clubs. They work with the Memory Box Foundation having interactive sessions with memorabilia from the past. Di shared a Case Study demonstrating the positive impact of Brendoncare post-Covid. They also have volunteer drivers to enable members to access the clubs. There is a telephone friendship service – interim and longer-term phone support. There are also regular online sessions and one-off events. Brendoncare provides digital support for members. Also offered are discounted respite stays and there are some discounts depending upon finances, free membership for carers and volunteers. Looking for more partnerships eg Gosport… 

An engaged audience added observations &/or questions via ‘Chat’. The next Hants & IoW Social Prescribing Network face to face Networking & Showcase Celebration Event will be on Tuesday 12 March 2024, 9.30am-2pm in Winchester (book via Eventbrite). Please contact Jane Bray – healthforums@cfirst.org.uk to register if you are not an HSPN member and would like to attend &/or be kept up-to-date. 


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