East Hampshire and Havant Health & Wellbeing Forum – Tuesday 5 April 2022

East Hampshire and Havant Health & Wellbeing Forum – Tuesday 5 April 2022

Adult Mental Health Support Update


The (virtual) East Hampshire and Havant Health & Wellbeing Forum was held on Wednesday 17 February 2022 – with c35 attendees. Following on from all being welcomed, Jackie Hartless, Wellbeing Manager, Community First, provided a Community & Voluntary Sector update on the VCSE Alliance – which aims to increase engagement. 

There is a roll-out of ‘Digital Champions’ across the area who will work with those who are digitally excluded to enable access to digital support and to build capacity in VCSE organisations. There’s a new local programme of Health Connectors ‘Core20Plus’ which focuses upon some of the highest areas of deprivation (20%) to tackle health inequalities eg peer support groups, inclusion health groups. An update was given on the East Hampshire Health and Wellbeing Partnership – co-producing place-based opportunities to address health inequalities. A link to useful JSNA data was also provided via a link in ‘Chat’.

Angela then congratulated Citizens Advice Hampshire and partners on the recent Home and Well Utility Week National Award for ‘Customer Vulnerability’ – supporting vulnerable people with their fuel poverty/Priority Services Registration needs. Claire Oughton, Head of Advice Services, CA East Hants, briefly updated on the ‘Energy Redress Scheme’ – referrals can be made until 31/8/22.

Jason Peett, Locality Director, Medicines Management, SE Hampshire, NHS Hampshire, Southampton & IoW, CCG provided a CCG update. Jason began by explaining the new PCN structure re the East Hants and Swan Medical Group PCNs. Booster vaccination is the focus at the moment for those 75+ and vulnerable adults, alongside the existing vaccination programme. Transmission rates are high which puts pressure on local hospitals. Sam Mitchell was then introduced – she is the new Transformation Lead for the East Hants area.


Dr Hannah Morgan, Clinical Director for Hayling Island and Emsworth provided an area-wide PCN update. There are 3 PCNs in Havant and now 2 in East Hants. The new Integrated Care System is rolling out over the coming months. Workforce challenges continue including Covid, but joint working is helping. PCNs will look very different re the new Additional Roles, Core20Plus5 is a key focus. Hannah then went on to explain the Emsworth Health Alliance.

Diki Fundu, Senior Project Manager No Wrong Door (Adult Community Mental Health Transformation) Programme, NHS Hampshire, Southampton & IoW CCG provided a No Wrong Door update. She began by briefly explaining what the Community Mental Health Transformation Plan is, sharing the vision as objectives. Next was an overview of the 2021/22 implementation and the AMHE Grants Scheme is – including providing details of the schemes that have been funded thus far.

Next, Jenny Smith, Adult Wellbeing Manager and Engagement & Participation Lead and Beth Young, East Hants Lead Adult Wellbeing introduced themselves – both from Havant and East Hants Mind. Beth Young introduced her role and new peer support groups for East Hants and workshops. Jenny highlighted the recovery service for those 18 years+ which is for c6 months, on a range of topics/courses and peer support groups. Clients can self-refer and advice can be provided prior to any professional referrals. There’s an evening Safe Haven Café 6-10pm, 365 days a year – where support is on hand &/or via the phone.

Finally, Alex Maynard, Primary Care Mental Health Practitioner/Social Worker, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, Strawberry Primary Care Network explained about his experience and his new role. He mentioned the NHS Transformation Plan, the rationale for No Wrong Door – Governance, Partnerships, Spending the Money… and new roles. He discussed understanding the Patient Journey and also the Seriously Mental Ill (SMI) Register. 

Please find a copy of the webinar slides below:


Please find the recording of the webinar here:


The East Hampshire and Havant Health & Wellbeing Forum ended by asking for future theme ideas and confirming the forthcoming (virtual) Health & Wellbeing Forum date and time as 1-2pm, Tuesday 7 June 2022

For more information please contact Jackie Hartless:- Jackie.hartless@cfirst.org.uk

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