19 May 2021
Community transport services are back on the road!
Plan your outing today!
We are delighted to let you know that our Dial-A-Ride and Call & Go services have resumed operations and are available to book for journeys.
Our vital community transport services provide door-to-door transport from home to your chosen destination. If you cannot use regular public transport, we are here to help with your shopping and social visits.
Vehicles are wheelchair accessible and drivers are trained to ensure you have a comfortable journey.
COVID Safety
Face coverings are required inside vehicles to ensure that journeys are safe for you and for our drivers. The service will maintain social distancing by limiting passenger numbers. We recommend that you book in advance as early as possible to secure your journey.
Book your journey
If you would like to register as a new passenger or book a journey, please find your local contact details below. You will also find links to your local service page for more information.
Call & Go Havant
Telephone: 02392 871724 | Email: havanttransport@cfirst.org.uk | Visit your local page
Call & Go East Hampshire
Telephone: 01420 475759 | Email: chris.antoniou@cfirst.org.uk | Visit your local page
Call & Go New Forest
Telephone: 01425 461751 | Email: callandgo@cfirst.org.uk | Visit your local page
Dial-a-Ride Winchester
Telephone: 01962 853602 | Email: andy.mears@cfirst.org.uk | Visit your local page
Dial-a-Ride Fareham & Gosport
Telephone: 01329 223151 | Email: dialaride.farehamgosport@cfirst.org.uk | Visit your local page
Dial-a-Ride Basingstoke
Telephone: 01256 462101 / 01256 574401 | Visit your local page