Fareham Monday Club
Fareham’s Monday Club is an invitation to socially isolated people of any age who live in North West Fareham (around the Highlands Road area) to join in social activities to meet new friends and share a story and a cup of tea!
We pick you up from home and take you to the club. We are based in the North West Fareham Community Centre (by Henry Cort School), and sometimes travel to nearby venues for lunch or afternoon tea. We take you home again at the end of the afternoon.
We can accommodate wheelchairs and wheeled walkers. There is a lift to help with boarding the minibus.
It costs £6 each time which covers the cost of the minibus and the running of the club.
Your hosts are all volunteers for Community First who enjoy a good banter and activities such as making Christmas decorations or greetings cards, enjoying a singalong, or playing Bingo and other table top games.
Meetings are approximately every other Monday, but occasionally we hold meetings on other days of the week depending on our timetables.
More information
Contact Fiona to arrange a trial visit to the club.
Phone 07969 225002 or email Fiona.mccrae@cfirst.org.uk